Thursday, December 6, 2012

Syd's Eye Patch

Syd had an appointment with her pediatric opthamalogist, Dr. Kern, yesterday. I told her how the school nurse had called me five times in the past three months to tell me that Syd fell down, Syd ran into a pole, Syd tripped and hit her head. Also I reported the trouble Syd's having in her classroom reading type that is single-spaced and in a small font. Dr. Kern decided that she isn't reacting well to the eye drops (atropine) that we put in her eye on the weekends. The purpose is the blur the stronger eye, so that the weaker eye is forced to work. However, the effect seems to linger through the school week and seems to be causing these problems on the playground and in the classroom.

She recommended we return to a sticky patch for four hours every day. Unfortunately, the atropine was working and we don't want her vision to slide back again. She's up to 20/30 in one eye and 20/40 in the other. That means we have to remember to put the patch on every day when she gets home from school!

The first night I got the sticky part too close to her eyebrow and that bugged her, but tonight I seem to have positioned it better. It's all a learning curve for us, but one thing is for sure: she is a cutey-pie with or without her eye patch!

Each patch has a different design--just like in the book, My Travelin' Eye that Aunt Stephanie gave her.

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