Sunday, December 16, 2012


A bit of a crazy day here at the Kotter that gives me grey hair just thinking about it!

The day started off fine. I was out getting some shopping done with Remi. We made it through all of the stores we needed to at the mall and were headed to grab some lunch when my phone rang. It was Beth from the elementary school and her first words were, "Don't worry. Everyone is OK." She went on to explain that Sydney had fallen on the playground. She had a scratch on the side of her face and cracked the frame of her glasses. The right lens had fallen out, but the nurse was kind enough to go back out and find it in the mulch! At the moment, Syd was walking around without glasses. I promised to hurry home for her back-up pair and bring them as soon as I could.

Twenty minutes later, I checked in at the office and found Sydney in the lunch room with her classmates. She was sitting with Kyra and besides a bandaged faced, seemed just fine. I actually think she was enjoying the attention! Kyra told me not to worry. While Syndey didn't have her glasses she was being her guide and was even helping her identify her lunch--this is your apple/this is your sandwich. I about cracked up! But they were very serious and so I tried to be too. I gave her the back-up glasses and gave her a kiss and all seemed well.

A few hours later she arrived home from school without any glasses on her face.

"Syd. Where are your glasses? ...the back-up pair I brought you at school today?"

"Well, they fell off my face and broke."

"They fell off your face? Hmmmmmm. Can I see them?"

The glasses she handed me were in two pieces. The ear pieces were bent beyond recognition. It was quite obvious that this pair of glasses had been stomped on.

The next part was not a pretty scene. She got a talking to and was sent to her room. When I couldn't get the real story out of her I asked Logan. He didn't know because he arrived home a full 5 minutes ahead of her. Then I unleashed it on him. If he had been with her like he was suppposed to be, this never would have happened.

Dan was in Argentina, but I called him on the phone with the news that his daughter had destroyed 2 pairs of glasses (roughly $800 of eye wear) in one day--one on accident and one on purpose. Granted she has no idea the monetary value of her glasses, but I am quite sure that she knew it was naughty to stomp the smitherenes out of them. He spoke with her and erred on the side of mercy. Someone had made fun of her and she just wanted to be like the other kids! With no glasses!

I, being the bad cop, was still erring on the side of justice.  She is grounded for 2 weeks and working to pay the $40 warranty that we were lucky enough to be able to purchase to cover the cost of the new frames and lenses. What to do with this one? She will definitely be the cause of my mental and emotional demise--not to mention our financial ruin! But the only thing that keeps coming to my mind is a song from the musical "Camelot"...."Love her, simply love her."

                                                 The glasses that "fell off" Syd's face.

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