This was his "graduation" from cub scouts and now he is meeting with the 11-year old scouts. As part of the "graduation" ceremony, he was awarded with an honorary Indian name and was able to place his hand print on our pack's tee-pee. His honorary Indian name is: Wa-Kush-ton meaning feet like an elephant, head of stone and heart of a lion.
His friend, Robert Candland, also received his Arrow the same evening. These 2 have really grown up together and seeing them reach this milestone at the same time was very rewarding for all involved.
The Weblos: Logan, Tyler Hamm, Mason Covington and Robert Candland
Sister Bennett gives Logan his final awards.
The proud parents with their scout.
Placing his hand print on the tee-pee.
Robert and Logan and Bro. Mueller, the Cub Master.
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