Monday, February 27, 2012

My "I Did It" List

Since family home evening was such a dismal failure, I was starting to feel a bit grumpy about my whole day. Then I remembered that up until that point it had actually been a really happy, productive and successful day. So I think I'll write an "I Did it"* list for today, to help me keep the family night fiasco in perspective.

Monday, February 27, 2012
My I did it List
1. I did pilates and lifted weights while watching the Today show.
2. I washed the sheets on our bed and remade the bed--the hardest part!
3. I resisted McDonald's french fries.
4. I gave up going to the gym to watch Matthew for Marcy. (Of course, this was an easy choice when she explained that she was taking Sofia for her 3rd blood test to try to get an answer for Sofia's bruising on her arms, legs and back. What a blessing that by the time she came to pick up Matthew, Marcy found out that the blood test was negative for lukemia and that she is one of 2% of children who have an adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine. Her platelet count is low and they will retest in 3 months.)
5. I made 2 lasagnes and gave one to Marcy for their dinner.
6. I babysat Tommy and Benjamin for Nancy.
7. I finished filing the kids old school projects--a project I started last fall!
8. I sat outside to get a little sun and Vitamin K.
9. I helped Syd with spelling and read a Scooby Doo and an Arthur book with her.
10. I tucked Syd and E in bed and sang them a good-night song.

*The I Did it List is something I started writing in my planner this month. I always write my To Do List and it's so discouraging when I don't get to cross off as many of those tasks as I would like to.  It's not like I sit around watching soaps all day. Most days I am busy doing something from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm, so I decided to chronicle a few of those things. You would be surprised how fulfilling it is to write down what you have accomplished and then put a nice check by it--just for fun!

1 comment:

  1. I really love this idea of writing down the things that "I did" during the day. I am a big list maker.....especially "to do" lists. Even if I just mentally went over all the things that I did do during the day instead of what I didn't do I think I would feel so much more accomplished. Thanks...good advice.
