Can you guess how much sand Ethan had in his swim suit each night?
Sydney is quite the little fish.
Best buds-Logan and Ty
Learning from the kite-master.
Our sweet, bleached-blonde, beach bum!
Love my girls!
Shawn is very proficient at relaxation.
Ethan and Trevor were so fun to watch. They played for hours in the sand--digging, driving trucks, building forts and dams.
One morning we took a nature walk to the sound-side of Corolla.
The Currituck Lighthouse.
One of my few trips out in the waves.
Ethan loved being pulled on his boogie board through the shallow surf. When he finally tumbled off, he would laugh and laugh!
One of the few times Logan came out of the water!
E dig, dig, dig, digs.....
Three fierce surfers ride the waves--albeit small ones! (The surfers and the waves!)
Anne surveys the waves.
Trevor was much braver in the water this year.
He kept chasing those waves for another ride.
Dan and Logan laugh after a rough ride.
Mikelle catches one all the way to the shore.
Love that smile:)
Do we know all these folks?
Catch a wave
Say cheese~
Dan and James dig a tunnel and Geoffrey "helps".
Syd takes a ride on the boogie board express.
Time to refuel for Alyson, Trevor and Caitee.
Ty, is that your happy face?
Our bookworm Mikelle.
All the Kotters
All the Frosts
All the Rich's (+one on the way!)
When did these 2 get so tall?
We love the beach at night. The sunset, the cool sand, the crabs scurrying to their holes...
In fact, it's impossible to list all of the ways but we truly, sincerely, absolutely LOVE the beach!