Thursday, January 26, 2012

Go Cougars!

Dan and I were able to sneak away yesterday to cheer the Cougars' men's basketball team onto victory against Virginia Tech. When was the last time a Cougar team played on the East Coast? The last time we watched one was a football match-up between BYU and UVA down in Charlottesville in 2000. So due to the scarcity of opportunities, we didn't want to miss this one. The drive took just under 4 hours and we had just enough time to grab a bite to eat at Macadoo's--a legendary Blacksburg venue that our neighbor Ann Woody recommended. The Cougars started off the game with a commanding lead and then the Hokies picked up steam and took the lead at various points throughout the 2nd period. The Cougars managed to stay on top and pulled off a 70-68 win!

Dining a Macadoo's. That's King Kong behind us!

Our seats were in the nose-bleed section--with a few other like-minded Cougar fans who enjoy a good bargain.

Hartsock lead the team in scoring, despite the Hokie fans cheering "Rogaine" every time he shot free throws.

Why do the opposing team's jerseys say "VPI"? Good question. I thought we were here to play against VA Tech! We found the answer to the question as we hiked the 3 miles back to our car and passed the football stadium. Across the top of the stadium entrance reads the official name of the university: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. How's that for a mouthful?

Here's the proof--I was there to cheer them on to victory. (Dan was too--he just happens to be behind the camera.)

It's ZINGA time!

Last Monday we finally got to visit the long-awaited, much-anticipated Zinga's! Sydney had a deal with Dan that if she remembered her prayers for 5 days then she could choose to go to Maggie Moo's or Zinga's. I was surprised when she chose Zinga's, because Maggie Moo's has been her #1 treat choice for years. But she was not disappointed. Upon entering Zinga's, you receive a large bowl and are able to choose from 6-8 different flavors of soft serve frozen yogurt. Then it's topping time. It's all self-serve and you can choose from a variety of fruits, nuts, candies, sprinkles, cookies--you name it--to top off your frozen yogurt treat. Sydney chose chocolate frozen yogurt with Mike and Ike's and colored sprinkles----hmmmm, maybe not the most palette pleasing choice, but it was definitely colorful. I think the smiles speak for themselves!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Go Ahead and JUMP!

For Sydney's Daisy activity last week, we went to an indoor trampoline playground called Rebounderz in Sterling. The kids had a ball jumping from the huge floor of trampolines onto the trampolines leaned against the walls. They could also take a kamikaze jump from the floor trampolines into a huge foam pit. They quickly worked up a sweat, mainly due to the safety helmets they wore. All of us moms agreed that this was a great way to burn off their unbounded energy!

Off To The Races!

Logan's cub scout pack held their annual Pine Wood Derby on Friday night. Logan worked with Dan to make a wedge-shaped, tie-died sports car. The best part was taking the wood over to Jeremy Baker's shop and using the belt sander. He sanded that wedge until it was oh-so-smooth! The tie-die design came from a skin that adhered to the top of the wood.

The competition was fierce, but Logan came out victorious in the end. He finished in first place for the second year in a row. Carson Trent was a close second and Matthew Linton's car came in 3rd. Ethan loved watching the cars race down the track and would turn around with huge eyes and say, "Mom! I saw Logan's car! It's fast!"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chef Mikelle

Tonight Mikelle fixed us a delicious dinner to fulfill an assignment for her Food and Consumer Science class. She planned the menu, cooked the food, set the table and cleaned up--with a little help from dish-washer-Dan. She cooked Poppy Seed chicken, green salad and banana parfaits for dessert. We gave her an A+ and I thoroughly enjoyed a little break from cooking! Hmmmm....maybe we'll have to make this a weekly assignment.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Logan shoots...He scores!

Logan had the best game of his life today, winning a hard-fought victory for his basketball team, the Lakers. The two teams had gone back and forth the whole game, trading the lead with only a one or two point margin. It was the end of the first overtime and the score was once again tied up at 32. Most of the parents were wondering if we would head into a second overtime. With only 2 seconds left, Logan steals the ball and he takes 3 steps toward the basket from mid-court and puts up a perfect 3 point shot! SWISH! Nothin' but Net! The Lakers win 35-32!!!! His team mates lift him up and carry him off the court!

Later he said, "This day is the best day of my life! It couldn't be more awesome!" I have to agree. Watching the sheer happiness and joy on his face was one of my best moments as a mom. And did I capture it on film, you ask. Well, no. That would have been too perfect. He's convinced the shot could have won the Dick's $500 play of the week. Cash reward of not...We love you Logan! Way to go!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Return to school and schedule

As a kid, I never understood the line in the Christmas song that says, "Mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again!" Now that I'm a parent I do understand. You can only go so many days watching TV 12 hours a day, wii for the other 4 waking hours and eating nothing but Dunkin' Donuts and sugar cookies! Yes--it was fun while it lasted, but now we are ready to go back to school, piano, sports, cubs, church activities and all. Just having a schedule restores a certain amount of order and peace.

However, the holidays this year were filled with an abundance of happy moments. It was a blessing to spend time together as a family and to create some fabulous family memories. Here are a few of our favorites:

Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions for Dummies

Yesterday Logan was talking to my parents, (Grandma and Grandpa T.) on Skype. My mom asked him if he had any new year's resolutions. This was his response: "Well, since I'm pretty close to perfect, I think I'll make resolutions for other people." "Oh," said Grandpa T. "What resolution would you make for me?" Logan thought for a minute and then he said, "I think you could be a bit more ENERGETIC."

Oh yes. The wisdom and confidence of a 10 year-old.

Here's a little quiz. Match the person to the response they gave for the following question: What would you like to do in 2012?
1. Dan                          a. Win a baseball championship.
2. Stacie                       b. Go on the airplane.
3. Mikelle                    c. Become financially solvent.
4. Logan                      d. Visit a country outside of the U.S.--Italy or France would work.
5. Sydney                     e. Travel somewhere I've never been before.
6. Ethan                        f. Go to Grandma Mona's house.

Answers: 1-c, 2-e, 3-d, 4-a, 5-f, 6-b

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to create a blog. I know, I know--I'm the last person on the planet to get on board. My main reasons are to chronicle my family's life, both the good and the bad. In doing this, I hope I can live more in the present and enjoy each of my kids in the stage of life that they are in. I'm feeling like my kids are all growing up so quickly and I don't want to lose a single memory.

Hopefully, all of this blogging isn't as difficult as choosing a name for the blog! Whew! Talk about pressure--something catchy, not too cheesy, not redundant or overused. So I settled on 6-Kotter Kids. No I don't have 2 offspring hiding somewhere. The other 2 kids are technically Dan and me. This all goes back to the kids growing quickly and so we must be getting older, but we don't want to be old fuddy-duddies....yada, yada. So maybe this is an attempt to capture some childlike innocence, playfulness and spontaneity. We'll see if it works.